these two were disqualified from competition for doping. they appear unrepentant.
these two were disqualified from competition for doping. they appear unrepentant. *
Viewed: 4260 times.

nicole, after round 1.
nicole, after round 1. *
Viewed: 4171 times.

lisa, with her subjects (cause, y'know, she's queen of the bacons... that would make the bacons her subjects).
lisa, with her subjects (cause, y'know, she's queen of the bacons... that would make the bacons her subjects).
Viewed: 4235 times.

mike is pointing at his mouth because that's where he wants the bacon to go.
mike is pointing at his mouth because that's where he wants the bacon to go.
Viewed: 4059 times.

i'm running out of funny things to say about bacon.
i'm running out of funny things to say about bacon.
Viewed: 4011 times.

boland hangs tough
boland hangs tough
Viewed: 4113 times.

ahh, the joys of competetive sport.
ahh, the joys of competetive sport.
Viewed: 4151 times.

you could see both the comraderie and the rivalry as these athletes at the top of their game faced off in glorious competition.
you could see both the comraderie and the rivalry as these athletes at the top of their game faced off in glorious competition.
Viewed: 4042 times.

ross wolinsky, lifetime bacon spectaor, shows his joy at the privelege of being at this event, the crown jewel of the competetive bacon circuit.
ross wolinsky, lifetime bacon spectaor, shows his joy at the privelege of being at this event, the crown jewel of the competetive bacon circuit.
Viewed: 4151 times.

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